In a Malay Restaurant

One day, out of the blue, a Malay colleague suggested a trip to Cameron Highlands. Okay, I said as there would be a public holiday on Tuesday and a special holiday  for us on Monday. We'd have a long weekend and what better thing to do then escaping to the highlands to enjoy some cool weather and quietness. So, on a hot Sunday afternoon, three of us scurried off in a car and ended up in Brinchang where we had a Thai and Chinese influenced dinner in a Malay restaurant. We had white Tom Yam, that's definitely Thai food; three flavours deep-fried fish, kai lan fried with salted fish and deep fried squids which were all very Chinese. Maybe, the fried kunyit chicken was Malay. Kunyit, by the way, is Curcuma longa or tumeric.
