Count My Blessings

Bread isn't my cup of tea but garlic bread should be all right. I like the garlic that goes with the bread and the pleasant smell. I remember I had just that at one point while seeing Yen Yen off to Ireland. Mau Wei, her mother and I had then continued our journey to Malacca where we were in time for a nyonya lunch in a restaurant where patrons get to buy nyonya rice dumplings and cookies if they so wish. I wouldn't be wrong perhaps if I said the trip to Malacca was a culinary trip. Most of the time, we were at Jonker Street, eating; cakes and burgers when it was only drinks we were after when the afternoon sun forced us to seek refuge in a comfortable eating joint. Then, we had a lunch of rice with Chinese sausages, roast pork and even deep fried chicken intestine. Even when we were visiting places of interest, we would stopped for a bite; it was Mau Wei in fact who stopped when she spotted a hawker selling a traditional Hakka delicacy. Then, when it was time to go home, Mau Wei's friends came with gifts of Malacca's version of dragonball biscuits; a box for her and box for me! As if not enough, we stayed overnight in Ipoh in our way back and had  dim sum and egg tarts the next day.  Count my blessings!


Guess which one I had for keeps and which is a Hakka food?
